How does a young Jewish man greet an elder?

By Rabbi Young, Seven Acres & The Medallion Chaplain “Honor your father and your mother.” The Torah states this commandment twice, almost verbatim, and also restates it in several different forms. Clearly, the commandment amounts to a fundamental principle in Judaism. When an aging parent requires increasing levels of personal care, an adult child or children may find themselves in a quandary. What is the best way to honor the parent while also meeting their gradually increasing care needs? According to traditional texts, a child must personally take care of their parent’s needs. Maimonides, the 12th Century scholar, suggests an exception. In a case where a child is disturbed by a parent’s dementia, he concludes that one may hire someone else to provide the needed care for them. In response, Rabbi Abraham ben David of Posquieres, a contemporary of Maimonides, asked: “Whom can he command to take care of him?” In other words, who but the children can provide an appropriate leve...