God's Wonderful Plan for Prayer
It’s easy to pray when God answers our prayers the way we want Him to. I prayed for a spouse for a long time, and after a 3-year drought, I met a woman I really liked. But as I prayed, I sensed the Lord told me to wait. I didn’t understand, but within a few weeks, both of us literally moved in different directions with new jobs, new places to live on opposite sides of the world. Praying became more difficult. Why would God say “wait” and then seem to say “no?” Was God even answering this prayer? Sometimes my prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and God is silent. For example, I having been praying for friends and family to know Jesus for decades, but nothing seems to be happening. Recently I was reminded, “God's Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). God directs my path. He lights my way. His ways are clear and purposeful. The devil’s ways are confusing and purposeless. When I am frustrated in my prayer life, I can be encouraged by how God answered p...